Turtle Shell Is Healthy

A turtle is a relatively easy pet to take care of compared to other reptiles. However, as with any other pet, there are certain things that a turtle’s owner should look for.

These signs are an indication of a turtle’s shell. A turtle’s shell is one of them, a turtle’s shell shows how healthy a turtle actually is. A healthy-looking shell indicates that a turtle is well-cared for and an ill-looking shell shows that there might be something wrong with the overall health of the turtle.

Apart from that, there are certain diseases (like shell rot etcetera) that solely impact the turtle’s shell, since it is an organic whole.  

Getting to know the difference between a healthy shell and a diseased shell is the only way a turtle’s owner can be sure about its health. However, how do you tell if a turtle’s shell is healthy?

And how can you make sure that it remains healthy in the future as well? Well, below mentioned are certain tips that will help you in determining if the shell is healthy and what to do in case it is not!

How to tell if your turtle’s shell is healthy?

To tell if a turtle’s shell is healthy, you first need to look at what are the characteristics of a normal turtle shell. Turtles of different age groups, and species have shells that come in different sizes, and shapes and even differences in the color spectrum of the shell are common.

1) large seamless shell

However, they carry one similarity, that is, all the shells are hard and they are meant for protection. Healthy and adult sea turtles have a large, seamless shells.

These shells come in a variety of colors, including olive green, yellow, greenish-brown, reddish brown, and even black, depending on the species.

Some green turtles and hawksbills have shells with brown or black streaks and blotches. 

Adult green and loggerhead turtle shells are frequently covered with algae, barnacles, sponges, skeleton shrimp, and other ocean animals. 

2) Shapes of Scutes

A healthy turtle shell is divided into small sections called “scutes”.  They can also be referred to as hard scales and form a protective layer of a turtle’s shell.  A healthy turtle shell should not carry uneven peaks formed by the scutes.

If a shell shows this abnormal shape made up of scutes, this process is called Pyramiding and should be checked out by a vet. Overall, water turtle shells should be algae-free, fairly smooth and even, and hard.

There are always exceptions, but if you ever notice anything odd about the appearance of your turtle or tortoise’s shell, make sure to have the veterinarian examine him.

5 Ways To Assure turtle’s shell health in the future

There are certain simple habits a turtle’s owner can follow to make sure their turtle’s shell is healthy. These tips not only protect the shell but also keep the turtle in overall good health.

1) A good habitat 

To prevent injury, your turtle’s habitat needs to be large. There should be enough space for a turtle to move freely. So offer your turtle a big tank, with clean water.

2) Clean environment

Make sure that the turtle has a clean environment. If the water contains unclean water, the bacteria and viruses present in the water can easily infect the turtle’s shell. This might lead to several diseases including turtle shell rot and decay.  

3) Cleaning the turtle itself 

A turtle also is cleaned alongside its habitat. It is quite easy to clean a turtle’s shell, you just need a soft-bristled toothbrush. You can also inspect any damage o the shell. If you see anything out of ordinary. Take the turtle to a vet. 

4) Providing a good diet

 A turtle’s diet should include calcium, minerals, and vitamins. For them to grow strong, they need necessary nutrients, otherwise, their shells might turn brittle.

5) Regular Checkups 

Just like human beings, a turtle should be taken to their veterinarian regularly there could be underlying issues with the shell or the whole turtle itself that you aren’t aware of. 

4 Signs That turtle’s shell isn’t healthy

Now that you know how to tell what a healthy shell looks like, here are some tips for you on what to do if your turtle’s shell is not healthy.

1) Soft Spots or bumps

In case of the development of soft spots and bumps, you might notice a spot on your turtle’s shell persisting a long time after an injury, you need to take your turtle to a veterinarian at once.

2) Excessive Shedding

If your turtle is shedding its scutes abnormally and excessively, then it is a result of a poor diet. Introduce necessary supplements to its diet and it will be good to go

3) Discolouration

If your turtle’s shell shows discoloration, it could be due to different reasons. For example, if you notice red spots on its shell, it might be an early onset of shell rot. In that case, take your turtle to a vet. 

4) Fungus

If you notice your turtle’s shell being abnormally slimy, then that could be due to the outgrowth of fungus on the shell. This could be a result of the turtle living in an unclean environment, clean the turtle and its inhabitants in this case. 

Taking your turtle to a vet in these situations could save their lives. A vet would be able to scan the shell and provide adequate treatments for it to heal.


It is really important to be able to know how a turtle’s shell look and to be able to point out irregularities from the norm because a damaged shell can cause a variety of shell issues.

The shell of a tortoise is easily damaged and infected. As a result, as a turtle owner, you should provide them with appropriate habitat, allow them to sit under UV light, feed them well, and provide them with a place to dry.

Scute shedding and other shell issues can make your turtle weak. If you have young or adult turtles, take them to a veterinarian right away if you notice any problems.