How To Clean A Turtle Shell

Most new turtle owners do not realize that even though turtles inhabit the water most of their lives, their shells still need to be cleaned from time to time.

This is due to the fact that a turtle shell is an organic part of its body and certain algae might grow on it if it is not properly cleaned, this may affect the quality and age frame of a turtle’s life. 

So for your pet turtle to remain healthy and sound, an owner needs to take care of its shell and clean it regularly.

Though turtles are relatively easy to care for, their pets still need to take care of certain things to keep them healthy and alive, one of which is cleaning their shells properly.

It is not difficult to clean a turtle’s shell. An owner simply needs some easily available supplies and to avoid rough tools that may damage their shells, since they contain blood vessels and can be easily bruised. 


However, a turtle shell does not require cleaning daily, since turtles do not interact with the environment outside their own habitat. If a turtle’s water is cleaned regularly, their shells require cleaning even less often.

This cleaning schedule also depends on your turtle’s own individual body. How to tell if a turtle needs to be clean? It is simple, you just need to observe your turtle’s shell. If you see spots of algae forming on the shell, then you know it is time to clean it. You will also be able to visibly notice any debris or dirt on their shells and know when to get it cleaned.


You need certain specific tools and supplies to clean your turtle properly without any damage to its sensitive body. Some of these tools are:

  1. You need to get a container big enough for a turtle to be cleaned comfortably. Remember to keep this container specifically for turtles since turtles can carry salmonella.
  2. A bucket of warm water, that has been balanced with a water conditioned, a day before washing.
  3. You will also require certain water conditioners designed for reptiles, an example of this could be Exo Terra Turtle Clean Water Conditioner. 
  4. A soft bristle brush, that is small in size
  5. A cup for rinsing off the water.


Below are the detailed instructions on cleaning the shell, step-by-step. If you follow these steps, your turtle’s shell will be cleaned safely and effectively. 

  1. The first and foremost step is to condition the water, the water that is used for cleaning must be conditioned 24 hours before.
  2. At the time of cleaning, fill the washing tub with conditioned water. The water needs to be lukewarm and its level should be enough for the turtle to swim in. 
  3. Take the damp soft bristle brush and start scrubbing at the outer cuticle of the turtle, paying special attention to the spots that have built up dirt and algae. After the outer cuticle, move on to the turtle’s plastron. Be extra gentle with this part. It’s necessary to scrub between the scutes since dirt usually builds up there.
  4. After you are done cleaning the shell, move on to the other parts of the turtle’s body like its neck, legs, tails etcetera. This might spook the turtle, so be extras careful.
  5. After cleaning you indeed check for any sign of injuries on the turtle.
  6. After scrubbing and checking the turtle for injuries, rinse the turtle with treated water, and pour liberal amounts of water over its body, but do not add a lot of pressure because turtles have pain receptors in the shell. 
  7. This is the end of the cleaning process itself. Clean its habitat and put the cleaned turtle back into it if there are no signs of injuries. In case of injuries, take the turtle to a vet.
  8. The last step is to throw the used water, discard it down the drain, and do not use sinks and drains used by you and your family, since there is a risk of salmonella. Drain the water safely in a toilet flush, and sanitize the washing container. Always wear gloves when washing and coming in contact with the used water. Discard the cleaning brush and if you do not want to discard it, sanitize it and put these tools out of the house. 


Since turtles live in water, it is not easy for dirt to build up on their shells. The shells also clean themselves when a turtle is swimming. So, they do not need cleaning as often as cats or dogs. You should however clean your turtle once every two months or so, though the cycle largely depends on the turtle itself.

What Happens If You Don’t Clean A Turtles Shell

Turtle shells can allow the build-up of minerals, dirt, and impurities on their shells. When these deposits build up on the shell, the shell changes its color, giving it a white appearance. This might be slower than movements and cause shell diseases or shell rot. Thankfully, they can easily be scrubbed away by a soft-bristled brush.

Turtles also shed the outer layer of the shell and scutes, if you do not clean their shell, the shedding process ends up becoming much slower, cleaning the shell and scrubbing it can make the process easier and faster for the turtle

5 Tips While Cleaning Turtle Shell

  1. Use the smallest amount of soap possible, and avoid using it anywhere near their head.
  2. To loosen dirt and algae, always press down gently with the brush and apply no more pressure than necessary. 
  3. Likewise, their skin is sensitive, so use your brush cautiously to avoid irritating it. 
  4. You should not clean the turtle’s shell in the sink or bathtub. 
  5. You can use a washtub, a plastic bucket, or any container large enough to hold the turtle comfortably.


In conclusion, cleaning a turtle’s shell is a healthy and necessary activity and a part of turtle care. An owner should always include it in part of their routine. They do not need to be cleaned as much but should be at least cleaned occasionally.

The process requires adequate care and should be done gently, to remove dirt build-up and hasten the shedding process. Hence, you should clean a turtle’s shell.