Can Snakes Bite Underwater

Please confirm that the water is free from snakes for those of you who are fond of going into the water.

Can A Snake Bite Underwater? Yes, snakes can bite you when you are underwater. According to research published in the Tropical Journal of medicine and hygiene, snakes bite the people who dive underground; 80 out of 100% were fishers. It is the ordinary course of snakes because they feel scared and want to safeguard them.

Snakes bite you to protect themselves, whether they may contain any poison. Usually, snakes bite people when they accidentally step on them while entering the water. It is also confirmed by the majority of bites that are on lower limbs. So if you come across any snake on land or water, it is better to leave him alone.

Snake In Water

Most snake breeds live on land but occasionally go into the water. The underwater snakes have less frequency of biting humans than on the ground. As snakes feel more insecure underwater, they always try to hide from humans and avoid confrontations.

Snakes only bite you when they want to strengthen their position, and they understand there is no escaping without the conflict. The bite underwater is the same amount of deadly and painful as the bite on land.

Cottonmouth is one of the dangerously venomous snakes in the water. It is commonly known to bite humans underwater. They primarily live on land, but in hot summer dried seasons, they love to soak themselves in water.

More Information

This article will share information regarding snake biting underwater and some relevant questions.

In everyday situations, snakes residing in the water pose no threat to humans. However, watching common snake species living in the water would be best, and they may harm you with their venomous bites.

Take precautions when entering the water and ensure you are not disturbing any snake by stepping or sitting on him.

Sea Snakes are good swimmers; they can live underwater for longer times due to their breath-holding capability.

It is a peculiar adaption to an environment that allows them to stay underwater. So it means their lungs can store more oxygen than other snake species, enabling them to hold their breath for extended periods.

From the information above, we can judge that snakes are dangerous even when living in the water. Which means we must adopt prudent measures to avoid conflict with snakes when entering the water?

What Snakes Bite Underwater?

The majority of snake species that encounter humans are venomous. We can dilute unnecessary worry if we draw a line between venomous and non-venomous snakes. However, safety is essential even if we know that the snake does not contain poison.

In the table below, we will enlist some snake species and their venomous nature and tell you whether they bite.

Snake NameDoes this snake bite underwater?Is this snake venomous?
CottonmouthsYes, Bite when you feel threatenedYes, this snake comes under the venomous category
Sea SnakesYes, they bite when provokedYes, they are highly venomous
CopperheadsYes, their bites are seldom fatalYes, they are partially venomous
RattlesnakesThey rarely biteYes, it is venomous
Coral SnakesBite on provocationYes, their bites are venomous
Sea KraitShy and rarely biteYes, they are venomous
Common Water SnakesRepeatedly bite when threatenedNo, they do not contain venom

How Do Snakes Bite Underwater?

A common myth is that snakes will get drowned if they try to bite you. This concept is not realistic as snakes do not immediately inhale anything when they open their mouth underwater.

The top has a small opening snake’s windpipe, and this small opening (glottis) always remains closed. In many other mammals,the glottis is open. It is in the control of the snake to open or close the glottis when it needs to breathe.

It is a fantastic fact that when the snake is residing underwater, the glottis opening is always closed, giving the snake the luxury of biting, eating, and inhaling the victims. It is an excellent hunting tool that snakes widely use underwater.

Similarly, many snake species eat fish when they are underwater. They can easily hunt and swallow their prey which negates the concept of the drowning of snakes when they open mouths underwater.

So we can easily assume that snakes also bite underwater without any trouble. The only thing essential underwater is the threat; when the snake is threatened or cornered, it might bite in defense.

Similarly, humans can be bitten by snakes irrespective of their venom characteristics.

Will A Snake Bite You Underwater For No Reason?

It is infrequent that snakes bite humans without any reason. The snakes that come from land are like strangers in the water; they hide from humans and do not look for any conflict.

However, there are chances that some snakes might bite you underwater as they are expert hunters.

 But it is uncommon for snakes to attack humans without incitement. So be careful not to step on them or alert them by panic movements when you see a snake underwater.

What to Immediately Do If a Snake Bites You Underwater?

If you get a bite from a snake underwater, it can threaten your life as the snake can be venomous. However, you must seek a medical emergency in case of a snake bite. Below are some tips which you can adopt as first aid relief.

Some quick treatments include;

  •  If available, wash the wound with soap and fresh water.
  •  Wrap the entire biting extremity in a pressure bandage.
  • Wrap the limb in an elastic bandage (such as an ACE wrap), tight but not so tight as to cut off blood flow to the finger or toe tips.
  • If possible, keep the victim calm and avoid moving the affected extremity.
  •  Antivenin medication is administered intravenously once at a medical facility (IV)

When you are out for an underwater excursion, you must ensure that you are equipped with a first aid kit.

How to Prevent Yourself from Being Bitten By a Snake Underwater? (Safety Tips)

When you are planning to go underwater, some of the important aspects should be in your consideration. These factors also serve as safety tips for you.

Always wear protective gear; firstly, you must make sure that you are wearing shoes to protect your feet. In addition, you must get the idea of snakes in the water before swimming so that you may wear complete body protection.

Wear ankle-high boots to protect your feet from probable snake bites that usually target the ankle area. Wearing shots is not a good idea as your legs are vulnerable, wear pants that cover your legs, and you may get some protection.

Avoiding snakes is the best protective tip; do not get too close when you see a snake underwater. Also, do not try to catch or hold the snake. It may alert the snake, and it becomes aggressive.

Keep your movements slow and calmly retreat from the sight of a snake. The best thing is to put on snake-proof wader boots and a complete suite for optimum protection.


In conclusion of the above discussion, snakes can bite humans underwater. But it is rare for snakes to bite without any reason. The snakes feel threatened and want to keep their position with solid defenses, so they bite.

Any type of stimulation from humans, like trying to hold them, stepping on them, or panicking them, may result in a snake bite. Moreover, the snakes may bite you irrespective of whether they are venomous.

When diving or swimming in the water, make sure it is free from snakes, and if there are some snakes, you may wear protective gear and boots. When fishing in the deep water, you have to wear protective snake waders as protective gear.

You can follow some lifesaving first aid guidelines if a snake underwater bites you.