The Black Pewter Ball Python is a unique morph of the popular species of pet snake, the ball python. This morph is characterized by its dark, almost black, coloration with a metallic sheen that sets it apart from other ball python morphs.

Are black pewter ball python good pets? Yes, Black Pewter Ball Pythons can make great pets for experienced and novice snake owners alike. They are known for their docile nature, making them easy to handle and less likely to bite or show aggression compared to other species of snakes.

Additionally, their unique and striking appearance is sure to turn heads and make a statement in any reptile collection. However, it’s important to keep in mind that proper care and attention is crucial for the health and well-being of any pet snake, including Black Pewters.

If you have the proper experience and resources to care for a pet snake and are interested in adding a unique and fascinating addition to your collection, a Black Pewter Ball Python may be a great choice. It’s always a good idea to research and educate yourself on the care requirements of any pet before making a decision.

How Much Does Black Pewter Ball Python Cost

The cost of a Black Pewter Ball Python can vary depending on several factors, including the snake’s age, size, and the quality of the morph. On average, a Black Pewter Ball Python can cost anywhere from $100 to $500 or more.

If you’re looking for a high-quality specimen, you can expect to pay more, sometimes several thousand dollars, as the demand for these snakes continues to increase. It’s also worth noting that the cost of a Black Pewter Ball Python may vary depending on your location and the availability of the morph in your area.

It’s always a good idea to research and compare prices from reputable breeders before making a purchase. Additionally, it’s important to consider the long-term costs of caring for a pet snake, including food, housing, and veterinary care.

Black Pewter Ball Python Genetics

The Black Pewter Ball Python is a morph that is created through selective breeding. The morph is created by combining specific genetic traits that produce unique coloration and a metallic sheen.

The Black Pewter morph is created by breeding two genetically dominant pewter ball pythons, which both carry the pewter gene. When two pewters are bred together, they produce offspring that are also pewters, with a high probability of being black pewters.

The black coloration in the Black Pewter morph is caused by an increase in melanin production, which gives the snake its dark, almost black, appearance. The metallic sheen is created by the reflection of light on the snake’s skin, which is enhanced by the high density of melanin.

In order to maintain the quality and characteristics of the Black Pewter morph, it’s important for breeders to carefully control their breeding practices and select only the best specimens for breeding. This allows them to consistently produce high-quality Black Pewter Ball Pythons.


The physical appearance of the Black Pewter Ball Python is a striking combination of black and metallic. This is achieved through the high density of melanin in the snake’s skin, which reflects light in a unique way. This morph is still relatively rare compared to other ball python morphs, and selective breeding has led to an improvement in their quality.

The Black Pewter Ball Python is known for its unique and striking appearance, which is a combination of its dark, almost black, coloration and a metallic sheen. These characteristics are what make the Black Pewter Ball Python a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts and collectors.

In addition to its appearance, the Black Pewter Ball Python is also known for its docile nature, which makes it easy to handle and less likely to bite or show aggression compared to other species of snakes. This makes it a great choice for novice snake owners, as well as experienced reptile enthusiasts.

Black Pewter Ball Pythons are relatively small in size, typically growing to an average length of 3 to 5 feet, making them a good choice for those who have limited space for housing their pet. They are also known for their shy and reclusive behavior, which can make them easier to care for compared to more active species of snakes.

Another important characteristic of the Black Pewter Ball Python is its lifespan. Ball pythons, in general, have a long lifespan and can live for 20 to 30 years or more with proper care. This makes them a long-term commitment, but also a fascinating and enduring addition to any reptile collection.


The history of the Black Pewter Ball Python is relatively short, as the morph is considered to be a relatively new addition to the world of reptile breeding and keeping. The first Black Pewter Ball Python was reportedly produced in the 1990s, and since then, the morph has become increasingly popular among reptile enthusiasts and collectors.

Ball pythons, in general, have a long history as pets and have been kept by humans for thousands of years. The species is native to West and Central Africa and is one of the most popular species of snakes kept as pets due to their docile nature and ease of care.

In recent years, the interest in morphs, or color variations, of the ball python has grown, and breeders have been working to create new and unique morphs through selective breeding. The Black Pewter Ball Python is just one example of the many new and exciting morphs that have been produced in recent years.

As the popularity of the Black Pewter Ball Python continues to grow, it’s likely that breeders will continue to work to improve the quality and consistency of the morph. This will likely lead to even more variation and new morphs in the years to come.

Overall, the history of the Black Pewter Ball Python is a testament to the creative and innovative spirit of reptile breeders and enthusiasts, and the ongoing evolution of the reptile hobby.


The personality of the Black Pewter Ball Python is similar to that of other ball python morphs, as well as the species in general. Ball pythons are known for their docile and shy nature, which makes them easy to handle and less likely to bite or show aggression compared to other species of snakes.

Black Pewter Ball Pythons are no exception to this, and are generally considered to be friendly and easy-going pets. They are typically shy and reclusive, which can make them a bit more challenging to interact with, but their gentle and non-aggressive nature makes them a great choice for novice snake owners.

One of the unique personality traits of ball pythons is their tendency to form a bond with their owners. Ball pythons are known for being affectionate and responsive to their owners, and with time and patience, many owners are able to establish a close relationship with their pet snake.

Another important aspect of the personality of the Black Pewter Ball Python is its activity level. Ball pythons are generally considered to be low-maintenance pets, and are not known for being overly active or demanding. They are content to spend most of their time hiding or resting, which can make them easier to care for compared to more active species of snakes.

Overall, the personality of the Black Pewter Ball Python is what makes it a great choice as a pet. Its docile nature, ease of care, and friendly demeanor make it a great option for those looking for a low-maintenance, low-stress pet snake.


Requirements To showcase their metallic sheen to its fullest, Black Pewters should be kept in a well-lit enclosure. Additionally, because of their dark coloration, they absorb more heat than lighter-colored morphs, so it’s important to provide a proper heat gradient in their enclosure. Proper care and attention are crucial for the health and well-being of this unique pet snake.

The care of a Black Pewter Ball Python is relatively straightforward, making it a great choice for novice snake owners as well as experienced reptile enthusiasts. Here are a few key things to keep in mind when caring for a Black Pewter Ball Python:

Housing: Ball pythons are relatively small in size, so they do not require a large enclosure. A 20-gallon terrarium is a good starting point, but they can also be housed in larger enclosures as they grow. The enclosure should be secure, with a secure lid, and should provide plenty of hiding places for the snake to feel secure.

Temperature and Lighting: Ball pythons are native to Africa and require a warm, tropical environment to thrive. The temperature in the enclosure should be kept between 75 and 85°F, with a basking spot that is slightly warmer. A heat lamp or ceramic heat emitter can be used to provide heat, and a thermometer should be used to monitor the temperature.

Substrate: Black Pewter Ball pythons require a substrate to provide insulation and help regulate the temperature in their enclosure. Good options include coconut coir, aspen shavings, or newspaper.

Diet: Black Pewter Ball Pythons are typically fed a diet of mice or rats, and should be fed every 7 to 10 days. They are known for being picky eaters, but with time and patience, most will eventually begin to eat a regular diet of frozen or live prey.

Water: Black Pewter Ball pythons need access to fresh water at all times, and the water should be changed regularly to keep it clean. A shallow dish can be used for drinking and soaking, and the snake should be encouraged to soak regularly to maintain good hydration.

Veterinary Care: Ball pythons should receive regular veterinary care to ensure their overall health and well-being. This includes regular check-ups, parasite control, and any necessary vaccinations.


The Black Pewter Ball Python is a unique and fascinating pet snake. Its striking appearance and docile nature make it a great addition to any reptile collection. With proper care and attention, a Black Pewter can provide years of enjoyment and fascination for its owner. If you’re considering adding a pet snake to your collection, consider the Black Pewter Ball Python.